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Reference Currency. MXN 4064.82 4622.34. COP 616718.50 701305.98. CAD 255.66 290.73. NZD 286.82 326.16. AUD 261.76 297.66.
CLP 128925.70 146608.81. GBP 151.54 172.33. PEN 676.42 769.19.
MYR 859.12 976.95. SEK 1676.32 1906.24. BRL 688.50 782.93. EUR 169.89 193.20. RUB 12128.72 13792.27.
PHP 10498.27 11938.18. INR 13479.47 15328.28. TRY 788.98 897.20 Note: Due to possible delay of exchange rate update, price in various currencies is for reference only.